Know the benefits of PolyJet technology for 3D printing

PolyJet technology is a 3D printing method that produces smooth, accurate, prototypes and tooling parts. It has a microscopic layer solution which is responsible for producing thin walls and complex shapes with an accuracy of 0.1 mm with the help of wide of materials and the latest technology available. 

Benefits of PolyJet technology
This PolyJet technology has a rapid prototyping feature, it makes beautiful 3D models and parts with the help of a wide range of materials, colors, and different properties. The materials are photopolymers and are liquid in nature, the technology is similar to that of 2D inkjet printing. The liquid flows down through the print heads to build tray, a thin part will be printed in each pass. This is the best advantage of PolyJet technology because it can print as thin as 14 microns. 

The average thickness of a human hair is 100 microns so you can imagine how thin 14 microns would be. Each layer is treated with acrylic plastic with the help of a UV light which passes over the top of each layer. This process is known as a non-reversible thermoset, it changes the liquid resin into an acrylic plastic permanently. 

•With PolyJet technology get a smooth, accurate, prototypes that present the final products.
•It produces accurate molds, fixtures, jigs and manufacturing tools.
•It produces thin walls and complex shapes. 
•It uses a wide range of materials, colors and different properties in a single model for accuracy.

Working with PolyJet technology for 3D Printers
The jetting heads are located at the center of the PolyJet printers. These jetting heads are responsible for depositing a single layer of the building material by sliding forward and backward along the X-axis. The depth of each layer is controlled by the software and scanning the head across delivers accurate models.
There are many ways a PolyJet printer works, however a standout amongst the most famous methods is spraying a fluid photopolymer from a multi-sport, inkjet-style print head. When the beads of these fluid photopolymers are streamed, they are quickly healed and solidified by a UV light. Once a layer is finished, the manufacturing stage drops along the Z hub, and the next layer of photopolymers is compelled to leave from the heads. The procedure goes on until the object is completed. The crude material is put in the cartridges and is connected to the nozzles. To get a better result, get the help of PolyJet Printing Services.

Some of the 3D PolyJet printing materials are:
•High Temperature
•Digital Materials
•Digital ABS Materials
•Rigid Opaque
•Dental Material 
•Simulated Polypropylene

With the expansion of newly built materials, the market for PolyJet technology and other 3D printers are also expanding. Get in touch with the best PolyJet Printing Services to guide you better!


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